Original Post

20-2-2014 19:51
Reply #54 mrfast's post

To MickJag and other Laowai who can't read chinese good:

從2月18日至5月18日,東莞將用3個月的時間,對全市桑拿、歌舞娛樂場所、沐足經營場所等三個行業,實 施全面停業整頓治理

From Feb 18 to May 18, DG will use the next 3 months to clean up the Saunas, KTVs and Entertainment Halls and Foot Massage Businesses

方案明確,此輪全面停業整頓重點整治“涉黃”違法違規經營行為,並實行逐一整改驗收。整治期間未經驗收 擅自開門營業的、拒不整改的,一律從嚴依法予以查處。

There's a clear stop-work order on all "yellow (sexual)" businesses that contravene the law, and every individual business will be inspected. In this time period, those businesses that have yet to be checked and opens, or fails to keep within the guidelines will be prosecuted according to the law.

副市長喻麗君出席會議並講話,市委政法委、市公安局、文廣新局、衛生局、工商局主要領導,各鎮街分管領 導,公安分局、工商分局等主要負責人約220余人參加了會議。

The vice mayor of DG (I guess the new one since the old one was sacked - correction I just found out DG has 6 vice mayors) spoke in the meeting and lots of big-titled people came along along with many business owners.

依法查處各類違法違規行為,建立健全打擊整治和規範管理的長效機制,堅決遏制“涉黃”等違法 犯罪活動回潮反復的勢頭,鏟除其滋生蔓延的土壤和條件,有效促進我市娛樂服務行業健康有序發展,維護社會和 諧穩定。

{now this is interesting} Relying on the law to prosecute all illegal activities, Institute a holistic system to combat BLAH BLAH, control "yellow" illegal activities that might resume, eliminate the root causes, and effectively develop DG's  entertainment industry to develop harmoniously.

If this isn't a clue as to what the government wants of the DG business owners - I don't know what is. The last sentence is basically telling them that they will regulate the industry according to the standards they set and control


  方案提出,市公安和各行業主管部門分別公布舉報電話(公安22222107、文廣新12318、衛生1 2320、工商12315),各鎮(街)也將要相應明確和公布舉報電話,全面暢通投訴舉報渠道,引導和鼓勵 群眾舉報各類違法違規行為。

  記者特別註意到,對於群眾的投訴舉報,相關部門將接投訴舉報後,屬地鎮(街)、公安和行業主管部門要立 即統籌出動執法力量,1個小時以內到達現場,認真、迅速、細致做好各類線索的排查、核實。

If you see any contravention of the above code, please contact the following numbers etc. If you contact everyone (officials) needs to arrive within 1 hour to the venue and do a serious, quick, detailed search and inspection.

- Wow, a full hour. I wonder what could actually go wrong?

  1 全面停業整頓


  2 逐一整改驗收


  3 從嚴查處整治


  4 暫停證照受理審批業務

  整治期間,一律暫停核發新的桑拿、歌舞娛樂、沐足行業的經營許可證和營業執照以及暫停辦理相關變更、註 銷登記。

  會議強調,相關部門要建立聯合檢查驗收機制,提高驗收效率,提供一站式驗收,盡量縮短驗收時間,對符合 行業管理規定和標準規範的娛樂服務場所,當天經驗收合格後可當天盡快批準復業。

  5 加強跟蹤移送

  建立聯動執法和案件線索移交機制,行業主管部門發現“涉黃”違法行為線索馬上移送公安部門並積極配合公 安部門查處。

  6 完善長效機制

  強化“黑名單”制度,健全行業協會,完善企業信用檔案,規範日常巡查監管,探索負面清單管理,強化行業 自律。  東莞時報記者 吳碧華 趙浛銳

The plan is as follows
1. All you ktv, sauna and foot massage places that have registered - you better suspend your business
2. All you ktv, sauna and foot massage places come to me so that we can re-inspect you and recertify you, then you can open
3. If you don't follow no.2 I will fuck you up the ass
4. As we are busy getting new bribe money from existing saunas, ktv and foot massage and need to co-ordinate it correctly, those business people who wanna open new stuff just wait until this is over than come pay me.
4b. We will make sure the process of certification is centralized and easy to apply for - once you get it you can open. So just get your act together.
5.  in order to co-ordinate investigation and implementation of the law, industry department people should share with the public security bureau any known yellow activities
6. a whole lot of buzzwords

[ Last edited by  mrfast at 20-2-2014 19:54 ]

MickJag 21-2-2014 12:45 Karma +6 Excellent! THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO TRANSLATE! I guess from your tone, you think this might blow over in a mont ...

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